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Executive Order Restricting Voting
Information and updates on a new executive order restricting voting from the National Council of Nonprofits.
Empowering Our Community Through Legislative Education
At CNE, we are dedicated to being a champion, learning partner, and advisor for Virginia nonprofits. Our mission is to support and strengthen the nonprofit sector through education, advocacy, and collaboration. Our legislative education efforts in 2025 have been focused on equipping our members with the knowledge and tools they need to influence policy and make their voices heard.
What to do when your federal grant or contract is terminated: A nonprofit checklist from NCN
This incredibly helpful checklist from the National Council of Nonprofits (NCN) offers steps you can take if your federal grant funding or contract is terminated.
12 Urgent Financial Action Steps for Nonprofits: A 2025 Checklist
This article from the Nonprofit Financial Commons is intended to help nonprofit organizations take on the first phase of what is likely to be an extended period of financial uncertainty.
211 Week
211 Week is happening this week from February 10 – 14. The week will kick off with an event from 211 Virginia’s leadership team with the State of 211 Virginia. Throughout the week 211 Virginia will be sharing about their new website, directory of resources, and community partners.
Immigration Resources
Resources for supporting clients and community members with immigration in today’s climate.
Legislative Updates & Resources
Resources to support you in staying abreast of legislative developments as they are happening.
Executive Orders and Federal Grants & Loans Freeze
We are all receiving so much information so quickly that it is challenging to process it all. As a member of the National Council of Nonprofits (NCN), CNE has been closely following updates, and I wanted to share key information with you.
Press Releases
CNE Announces Dr. Mariane Asad Doyle as New Executive Director
Dr. Asad Doyle will assume responsibility on February 1 and succeed Cristine Nardi who served as executive director for 15 years.
Nominations Now Open for the Second Round of the CNE Philanthropy Champions Program
The Center for Nonprofit Excellence (CNE) has launched the second round of the Philanthropy Champions program.
Announcing CNE’s 2023 Philanthropy Champions
Philanthropy Champions from Charlottesville and surrounding areas will be recognized and celebrated for their impactful giving and diverse forms of community building.
My First 100 Days
My first 100 days were marked by the gracious welcome of the nonprofit and philanthropic communities, and the incredible CNE staff and board team.
Dear CNE Community From Cristine Nardi
After 15 years in conversation, and of learning and growth together, this is my last executive director note to you.
Celebrating and Saying Farewell to Cristine Nardi
I would like to express how grateful we are for the immeasurable impact that Cristine Nardi has had, not only on CNE, but on the broader social impact sector.
Announcing a New Partnership with Community Foundation for a greater Richmond!
Our goal is to develop targeted, responsive, and high-quality services and offerings that enhance the ability of nonprofits to manage change and deepen impact.
Thoughts on Philanthropy and Democracy
There’s enough for all of us: More thoughts on philanthropy and democracy.
Philanthropy Day Postponed
This week our community partner, the University of Virginia, experienced a tragedy which ricocheted across the university and into the community.
Short Board Education Sessions
CNE offers member organizations a free weekday half-hour Board Education Session.