Health / Childcare
HB1596 Department of Medical Assistance Services; state plan for medical assistance services; telemedicine services.
SB1414 Employee Child Care Assistance Pilot Program;
HB1762 Social Security Disability Insurance; DMAS to seek authorization to provide to certain individuals.
HB1771 Providing an exclusive opportunity for eligible organizations to acquire the property for this purpose
HB1827 Ensuring long-term affordability through a legal covenant.
HB1921 Employment; paid sick leave; civil penalties.
HB1927 Expands Medicaid to include remote monitoring for pregnant and postpartum patients
HB2083 Special Enrollment period for pregnant individuals on the State Health Exchange
HB2325 Local & Regional jails, St. Bd.; standards/regulations for pregnant/postpartum incarcerated person
HB2539 Expands medicaid to cover dental care for pregnant women
SB1414 Employee Child Care Assistance Pilot Program
SB774 Workgroup to review the minimum plan standards for ACA plans offered in the Commonwealth
HB2534 Crisis stabilization services for non hospitalized individuals
SB1304 Crisis stabilization services for non hospitalized individuals
Maternal Health
SB1393 Pregnancy mobile application; Department of Health to contract with a mobile developer to create.
HB1614 Department of Medical Assistance Services; state plan for medical assistance services; postpartum doula care; report.
SB831 Pregnant individuals; DMAS to seek federal authority to implement presumptive eligibility.
SB758 Remote monitoring services for pregnant and postpartum patients; reimbursement.
SB1393 Pregnancy mobile application; Department of Health to contract with a mobile developer to create.
HB2109 Maternal Health Data and Quality Measures, Task Force on; State Health Commissioner to reestablish.
HB2102 Pregnant individuals; DMAS to seek federal authority to implement presumptive eligibility, etc
HB1701 Income tax; housing opportunity tax credit; sunset extended.
HB1879 Department of Housing and Community Development; rental assistance pilot program.
HB1758 Surplus real property; prioritization of disposition for affordable housing.
HB2533 Comprehensive plan may include use of accessory dwelling units.
SB932 comprehensive plan may include tiny homes or accessory dwelling units.
SB832 Rental assistance voucher pilot program
HB1879 Department of Housing and Community Development; rental assistance pilot program.
SB1139 Virginia Workforce Housing Assistance Program; established
HB1598 Individual income tax; first-time homebuyer tax credit
SB975 Statewide housing targets; requires localities to increase their total housing stock.
HB1651 Social Services, Department of; applications for public assistance, immigration status inquiry.
HB1885 Juvenile/adult adjudicated delinquent/convicted of violent juvenile felony; immigration status.
HB2169 Admission to bail; rebuttable presumptions against bail for an alien illegally present in the U.S.
HB2298 Designated illegal acts; transfer of prisoners convicted of acts.
HB2389 Sanctuary policies; prohibited.
HB2560 Defendant; notifying consequences criminal proceedings can have on immigration.
SB1268 Immigration status; inquiry and report.
SB1302 Limited Duration Drivers license and Driver Privilege Cards
SB772 Requires Immigration Status Inquiry for Social Services applications for public assistance
Rural Issues
SB842 Mobile health clinics; DHCD to include broadband access services for clinics.
HB2119 Certificate of public need; establishes expedited application and review, medical deserts.
HB1603 Commonwealth Rail Fund; funds applied to Shortline Railway Preservation and Development Fund.
HB1928 Increases the minimum wage incrementally to $15.00 per hour by January 1, 2027
SB1052 Virginia Human Rights Act; definition of “employer.”
HB2360 High School diploma seal of biliteracy; designation as high-demand industry workforce credential.
HB2009 Career and technical education courses, pathways, and credentials; biennial review, report.
HB2465 Va. Ed. & Workforce Data Governing Board & Office of Va. Education & Workforce Data; established.
HB1551 Income tax, state; removes sunset on elevated standard deduction amounts, etc.
HB2531Paid family and medical leave insurance program; notice requirements, civil action.
SB1052 Virginia Human Rights Act; definition of “employer.”
SB1122 Paid family and medical leave insurance program; definitions, notice requirements, civil action.