NEW Pathway to a Healthy Organization Post-Evaluation Organization name What year did you participate in the program?(Required) 2019 2020 Which of the following statements best describes your organization since participating in the Pathway program?(Required) My organization did not make substantial changes in any of the areas noted above (board governance, community engagement, etc) due to our participation in the Pathway program. My organization made substantial changes in 1 area noted above (board governance, community engagement, etc) due to our participation in the Pathway program. My organization made substantial changes in 2 or more areas noted above (board governance, community engagement, etc) due to our participation in the Pathway program. In general, to what degree have you been able to maintain the changes made as part of the Pathway program?(Required)To a great extentSomewhatVery littleNot at allNot applicable as we did not make changes as a result of the program.It would be helpful for us to understand the most important ways that the discoveries from the Pathway program are impacting your organization at this time. In what ways, if any, are your plans or activities as an organization changing because of this work?(Required)How frequently have you used the continuing support available from CNE since completing the Pathway program?(Required)OftenOccasionallyRarelyNeverWhat, if any, additional support would help you implement or maintain the changes recommended through the Pathway program? (Please be as specific as possible. Examples may include training, coaching, regular check-ins, etc.)(Required)How likely are you to recommend the Pathway program to another nonprofit?(Required)0 (Not at all likely)12345678910 (Extremely likely)