Audience: Institutional Member

Library of Virginia: Learning from Patrons when Creating Programs

Libraries can provide a variety of programs to communities. However, it can feel challenging to figure out what kinds of programs to offer, and how to know if patrons really like them. In this two-hour, online workshop with Dr. Maryfrances Porter, you will first have an opportunity to learn from each other about what has worked and been challenging in the past.  


You will then learn: 

  • Some strategies for surveying patrons about what kinds of programs they would enjoy 
  • How to know if the community is learning about your programs 
  • How to test out programs with small groups before offering them to everyone 
  • A sneak peek into the very basics of measuring engagement and satisfaction with the programs 


Please note that: 

  • This workshop will take place online.  
  • Please bring your experience to share and your curiosity for learning more. Our trainers work to create an interactive learning environment for all participants. For this reason, use of video is recommended where possible.  
  • We will be recording this workshop. Participants will receive a copy of the trainer's presentation and other relevant resources.  

Leaders of Color Collective: Transforming Trauma into Triumph

We are excited to announce the next Leaders of Color Collective session! The Leaders of Color Collective is a program designed specifically for and by Black, Indigenous, and People of Color (BIPOC) working in the social impact sector.

This Session Topic: Transforming Trauma into Triumph. How Nonprofit Leaders of Color Build Empowering Organizations.

In the world of nonprofits, leaders of color often emerge from their own experiences of adversity, using their personal journeys and challenges as a catalyst for change. This topic explores how these leaders harness their trauma to create impactful organizations that address systemic issues. By channeling their resilience and understanding of marginalized communities, they are uniquely positioned to build organizations that foster empowerment, inclusivity, and social justice. Through their work, they not only transform their own narratives but also inspire others to overcome barriers and contribute to meaningful societal progress. Join us via Zoom on November 14th from 10 am to 12 pm for this impactful discussion led by Dr. Elle Harris, Executive Director at the W Agency.

American Sign Language interpreters or other communication access accommodations are available upon request. Please submit any accommodation requests to Denisha Phipps at

Grant Writing Nuts and Bolts (Virginia Organizing)

(Note: This session is exclusively for groups affiliated with Virginia Organizing.)

Preparing and submitting a successful grant proposal can be an intimidating process for both new and experienced grant writers. While there is no one magic formula to use when writing grants, there are many leading practices to lean on that will heighten your chances for success. Join Independent Grant Writer and CNE trainer, Laurie Rogers, to learn practical and proven techniques to strengthen your grant writing power and secure funds for your organization.

This workshop will provide a broad overview of how grant funding fits into a fund development strategy. We will cover:

  • types of grants and grant makers
  • current trends in grant making
  • a high level overview of what it means to be “grant ready” as agencies prepare to submit grants
  • the role of stewardship for those foundations and corporations investing in your agency’s work

Leaders of Color Circle Application (Virtual Circle or In-person in CVille)

The Leaders of Color Circle application is now open!

The Leaders of Color Circle is designed specifically for and by Black, Indigenous, and People of Color (BIPOC) leaders working in the local nonprofit sector. Centered on BIPOC peer support and shared wisdom, the Circle aims to create a space where BIPOC leaders can ask and offer support around self-care strategies, nonprofit core competencies, and leadership skills while embracing their cultural heritage as an important asset for themselves and the sector. 

Monthly Meeting Schedule: We will have two circles, one in-person and one virtual.

The virtual circle will meet from October 2024- March 2025.

  • Days: Second Tuesday of Month
  • Dates: 10/8, 11/12, 12/10, 1/14, 2/11, and 3/11
  • Time: 9:00 am- 11:00 am

The In-person circle will meet from November 2024 – April 2025.

  • Days: Third Wednesday of the Month
  • Dates: 11/20, 12/18, 1/15, 2/19, 3/19, and 4/16
  • Time: 12:00 pm -2:00 pm

Program Goals:

  • Build community with other BIPOC leaders in the sector.
  • Develop tools for self-care while being affirmed and supported by peers.
  • Gain skills for nonprofit leadership roles (future or current).
  • Learn and share strategies for individual and organizational resilience.


Eligibility Requirements:

  • BIPOC individuals working within or around the social impact sector (organizations that focus on community building) in Virginia, with preference given to CNE member organizations due to limited space. Not a member? Join today. 
  • A commitment to meet for 2 hours monthly during the 6 months of the program.
  • An openness to different perspectives, valuing a safe space for honest discussions where all opinions are honored while maintaining strict confidentiality.  


Program Costs:

The participation fee is $100; if this fee represents a barrier to participation for you or your organization, please let us know that in your application, and we will follow up with you.


The online application deadline is October 4, 2024