Affinity Group Evaluation Affinity Group/POP Talk Evaluation Form Step 1 of 5 20% Title/Facilitator's Name(Required) Guest Speaker Date MM slash DD slash YYYY Radio Button Grid(Required) No/minimally A little Some Quite a bit A lot/extensively Not applicable/don’t know How well did the session meet your expectations? To what extent did the Facilitator create a space in which everyone’s ideas could be heard? To what extent did the Speaker clearly explain the goal and outline the topic for the session? How much did the Speaker’s presentation deepen your understanding of the topic? How much did the discussion deepen your understanding of the topic? To what extent do you feel you left with an actionable solution to a problem you face in your organization? Would you recommend this session to people working in similar roles to yours?(Required) Yes No Unsure/not applicable Will you share what you learned with others in your organization?(Required) Yes No Unsure/not applicable What was the most useful part of today's session?How could the session have been improved?What additional topics would you like to have the opportunity to discuss in this setting? What is your organizational role? ED/CEO Board Member Other Staff Volunteer Which of the following do you identify as? (Check all that apply.) African American/Black American Indian/Native Alaskan/Indigenous Asian Hispanic/Latino/a/x Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander White Other Prefer not to say EmailThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.