Health / Childcare 

HB1596 Department of Medical Assistance Services; state plan for medical assistance services; telemedicine services.

SB1414  Employee Child Care Assistance Pilot Program; established, report.


Maternal Health

SB1393Pregnancy mobile application; Department of Health to contract with a mobile developer to create.

HB1614 Department of Medical Assistance Services; state plan for medical assistance services; postpartum doula care; report.



HB1701 Income tax; housing opportunity tax credit; sunset extended.

HB1879  Department of Housing and Community Development; rental assistance pilot program.



HB1651 Social Services, Department of; applications for public assistance, immigration status inquiry.

HB1885  Juvenile/adult adjudicated delinquent/convicted of violent juvenile felony; immigration status.


Rural Issues

SB842 Mobile health clinics; DHCD to include broadband access services for clinics.

HB2119 Certificate of public need; establishes expedited application and review, medical deserts.



HB1928 Increases the minimum wage incrementally to $15.00 per hour by January 1, 2027 

SB1052  Virginia Human Rights Act; definition of “employer.”