Workshop Evaluation – CNE/LVA Step 1 of 4 25% Training Title/Trainer's Name(Required) Date of Training MM slash DD slash YYYY I learned something by participating in this library activity(Required)Strongly disagreeDisagreeNeither agree nor disagreeAgreeStrongly agreeNo responseI feel more confident about what I just learned(Required)Strongly disagreeDisagreeNeither agree nor disagreeAgreeStrongly agreeNo responseI intend to apply what I just learned(Required)Strongly disagreeDisagreeNeither agree nor disagreeAgreeStrongly agreeNo responseApplying what I learned will help improve library services to the public(Required)Strongly disagreeDisagreeNeither agree nor disagreeAgreeStrongly agreeNo responseHow well did the content of the training meet your expectations?(Required)No/minimallyA littleSomeQuite a bitA lot/extensivelyHow much knowledge did you gain on this topic?(Required)No/minimallyA littleSomeQuite a bitA lot/extensivelyHow much did the training allow you to improve your skills in this area?(Required)No/minimallyA littleSomeQuite a bitA lot/extensivelyNot applicable/don’t knowHow applicable was the training content to you work (as a staff/board member or volunteer)?(Required)No/minimallyA littleSomeQuite a bitA lot/extensivelyHow good was the trainer at presenting the material in a way you could understand?(Required)No/minimallyA littleSomeQuite a bitA lot/extensivelyHow well did the trainer(s) demonstrate their knowledge of the topic?(Required)No/minimallyA littleSomeQuite a bitA lot/extensivelyHow well did the trainer(s) create a space in which I felt comfortable sharing with the group?(Required)No/minimallyA littleSomeQuite a bitA lot/extensivelyOverall, how useful were the materials provided (e.g. handouts, slides, readings)?(Required)No/minimallyA littleSomeQuite a bitA lot/extensively Will you take this information back to work and share it with others in your organization?(Required) Yes No Unsure/not applicable Would you recommend this session to colleagues?(Required) Yes No Unsure/not applicable What aspects of this online training would you like to see CNE replicate in future online offerings?How could the session have been improved?What resources or tools would provide a meaningful next step in your education in this area?What trainings topics would be of interest for future sessions? Demographic InformationPlease take a moment to respond to these optional demographic questions, so that we can best meet the needs of all participants and all nonprofits.What is your role? Board Member ED/CEO Staff Member Volunteer Other Which of the following do you use to describe yourself? (Select all that apply.) African American/Black American Indian/Native Alaskan/Indigenous Asian Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander Hispanic/Latino/a/x White Other Prefer not to say