Resources for supporting clients and community members with immigration in today’s climate.
1 – Legal Aid Justice Center and it is a rapid response toolkit to help prepare for an immigration emergency. The page has resources that will allow you to prevent and be prepared for immigration emergencies such as raids, ICE visits to homes, detention, or risk of deportation.
2 – The Immigration Legal Resource Center has red cards. Red cards help people assert their rights and defend themselves in many situations, such as when ICE agents go to a home. The Immigration Legal Resource Center will print red cards at no cost for nonprofits and they are struggling to keep up with demand so you can download the template and print them in house. One side lists constitutional rights and the other side are statements in English that you can hand to law enforcement regarding 4th and 5th amendment rights.
3 – Resource Sheet from the Washington Lawyers’ Committee.
4 – The Immigration Rapid Response Hotline where you can report the presence of ICE and or call if ICE is at your door. The service is available in Northern Virginia and Charlottesville.