Dear CNE Community,

June is a time of graduation, anticipation, and planning here at CNE! We are thrilled to see our program participants complete their goals and eagerly watch as more of you continue your journeys.

My first 100 days were marked by the gracious welcome of the nonprofit and philanthropic communities, and the incredible CNE staff and board team. I spent time listening and gathering feedback and input on the ways CNE has served and how we can launch into the future. It is so exciting to hear about the impact we’ve had and the ways we can pivot to ensure we continue to provide excellence in nonprofit building and philanthropic partnership.

What I have learned is that you all love CNE – the work we do to contribute to the nonprofit ecosystem by serving as a partner that strengthens through education, one-on-one support, on-site consulting, thought leadership, development alongside peers, and up-to-date resources that support your practice.

CNE is about people first. All of our services and programs are powered by people, and the staff, board, and nonprofit experts we work with are key to our own capacity to serve.

To continue delivering high-quality services and programs, we are doubling down on our staff’s growth by promoting professional learning internally in intentional ways. And thanks to the National Council of Nonprofits Thrive Grant, we are engaging in staff wellness activities to help us lean in and indeed thrive! With new leadership comes new eyes, and it is important to clarify roles in alignment with our function: nonprofit building and philanthropic partnership.

During our summer of planning, we are looking forward to expanding our work in key areas and transitioning support in other programs that will help us serve our communities, such as:

  • Developing a robust series of programs in Charlottesville to serve our home community.
  • Amplifying member benefits to ensure that members take advantage of all we have to offer them.
  • Reenvisioning Philanthropy Day with a focus on education, collaboration, and partnership while lifting up our community of philanthropists.
  • Collaborating with partners to create communities of practice by mission area and philanthropic circles.
  • Continuing our powerful work in Virginia communities and regions throughout the commonwealth in collaboration with philanthropic partners who deeply believe in the power of nonprofits and capacity building.

As described by the United Nations, “Capacity-building is the process of developing and strengthening the skills, instincts, abilities, processes and resources that organizations and communities need to survive, adapt, and thrive in a fast-changing world.” The nonprofit ecosystem is only as strong as its partners. And you are part of this work. We are grateful to be positioned as both nonprofit builders and partners to philanthropists who truly understand the value of capacity-building, sustainability, and transparency. Thank you for being part of this work with us and for the opportunity to serve each of you.

Looking forward to the next 100 days,

Mariane Asad Doyle